The CALIFORNIA SPORTS HALL OF FAME (CASHOF) is a 501© 3 non-profit organization established in 2006. It was founded by Christian Okoye, former all-pro NFL running back for the Kansas City Chiefs. With support by some of the biggest names in sports from the State of California; this influential organization was formed to honor sports heroes, support struggling athletes, highlight California sports history and more importantly; promote education through sports.
In 2023 new management for the California Sports Hall of Fame was established. GOCAL and GOSEA will continue to work with Christian Okoye to continue his goals and grow the efforts of this organization.
The California Sports Hall of Fame recognizes and honors California’s greatest sports figures and leverages this collective celebrity to promote fitness awareness, education and sports activities among our state’s youth and adults. Equally important is the promotion of the qualities of discipline and honor among sports participants.